- Angela Erlina
- Anita Dwi Astuti
- Delvia Rispainia
- Dheby Iryanova
- Didik Nugroho.
20 Mei 2009
Kirim Ulang Jawaban Ujian
Bagi mahasiswa D3 Ankes Kelas A dengan nama:
Ujian Akhir Prakt. Komputer AnKes - D
Rabu, 20 Mei 2009 pk. 11.00 – 13.00 WIB
-Open book-
- Carilah website yang berisi informasi tentang Kompetensi yang disyaratkan untuk seorang Analis Kesehatan.
03 Maret 2009
Praktikum Komputer D3 Analis Kesehatan
Berikut ini materi-materi praktikum dari minggu ke-1 sampai minggu ke-4 :
1. silabi + connecting internet
2. pertemuan 3
3. prosedur pertemuan 4, file latihan
Silakan didownload, saya harap dengan metode praktikum yang 'baru' ini, Anda akan lebih mandiri dan pendekatan SCL (Student Centered Learning) dapat dicapai...
Semangat!!! c u next week!!
18 Februari 2009
Empower Yourself And Build Inner Strength
By Ingrid Bac
John Lennon of the Beatles is reputed to have said that life is what happens while we are making other plans. We all have the experience of things not turning out the way we want. Sometimes we even get the opposite of what we wanted or thought we deserved. For example, despite all our good work, our business colleagues view us with malice, or we do not get the promotion we are looking for, or worse yet, we get laid off. Or we devote infinite effort to doing right by our children, only to find that they can be ungrateful and rejecting, especially when they do not need us anymore.
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